Relaxation in the eligibility service - change in the crucial date to 01st January from 01st April | Postal Department Promotion/LDCE Exams relaxation in eligibility service | DOP Service Eligibility Relaxation - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Relaxation in the eligibility service - change in the crucial date to 01st January from 01st April | Postal Department Promotion/LDCE Exams relaxation in eligibility service | DOP Service Eligibility Relaxation

 In exercise of the powers delegated, vide Department of Personnel & Training OM No. AB-14017/17/2018-Estt RR dated 12.08.2021 (copy enclosed), the competent Authority has accorded approval for relaxation in eligibility service for vacancy year 2021, 2022 and, 2023 prescribed in the Recruitment Rules  up to a maximum period of 3 months in cases where the employees would have been eligible for being considered for promotion, but become ineligible due to change in the crucial date from 1st of April to 1st January, as indicated in below

Vacancy year

Crucial date of eligibility

Maximum relaxation of eligibility service delegated to the Administrative Ministry/Department



Up to 3 months for those who have completed eligibility service prescribed in the RRs by 31st March,2021



Up to 3 months for those who have completed eligibility service prescribed in the RRs by 31st March,2022



Up to 3 months for those who have completed eligibility service prescribed in the RRs by 31st March,2023

2.         Further,  the relaxation  is subject  to the condition  that  actual promotions  are  effected only after completion  of the eligibility  service prescribed  in  the Recruitment Rules/Service  Rules.

 3.        Above   relaxation   shall   not   be   made   applicable    for   vacancy   of   2024 recruitment year and thereafter.

 4.          Above   relaxation   shall   be   applicable   in   all   cases   where   ‘Promotion’   is   a method   of   recruitment,    whether   through   Departmental   Promotion   Committee (DPC)  or  Limited  Departmental   Competitive  Examination  (LDCE) for  all   Circle Cadre posts.

 5.        Further  above  relaxation  shall  be  available  to  Gramin  Dak  Sevaks  (GDS) being  considered for   appointment   to  the   posts  of   Multi-Tasking   Staff   (MTS), Postman,  Mail Guard,  Postal Assistant  and Sorting Assistant,  whether  by seniority or by competitive examination limited to GDS.

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