Local officiating arrangement against vacant Postal AAO (Assistant Accounts Officer) Posts | DOT & DOP Order dated 24.09.2021
I am directed to refer to the aforementioned subject and convey the approval of the competent authority viz. Member (F), DCC for the following guidelines to man the vacancies of Assistant Accounts Officers in Postal Accounts offices, CCA offices & HQ offices both in DOT & DOP:
1. Local officiating arrangement against the vacant posts of AAO may be made amongst Senior Accountants with five years of regular service on the basis of seniority subject to observance of standing instructions and prescribed procedures on the following circumstances:
(i) Against regular vacancies till such time that vacancies are filled up on regular basis.
(ii) Against vacancies caused as a result of AAOs proceeding on leave, deputation, training etc.
(iii) Against vacancies caused as a result of officiating arrangement of AAOs made to AO Level.
(iv) The JAO Part II (Postal) Examination Qualified candidates who have not accepted the offer of appointment issued vide DoT OM No. 27-07-2009 SEA-II dated 21.12.2009 and dated 13.01.2010 shall not be eligible for consideration to local officiating promotion as Assistant Accounts Officer.
2. Heads of the Postal Accounts Offices/ CsCA are authorized to make local officiating arrangement in Assistant Accounts Officer level against the vacancies arising in their respective offices. These orders are in supersession of all the previous orders issued on this subject.
3. The local officiating arrangement made as per above guidelines will be on purely temporary basis and may be cancelled as and when deemed necessary.
4. This issued with the approval of the competent authority.
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