Kerala Circle Gradation List of PAs(Postal Assistants) in Post Offices as on 01.07.2020
Circulation of Circle Gradation List of PAs in Post Offices as on 01.07.2020
Please refer to the letter cited above vide which draft Circle Gradation List of PAs in Post Offices as on 01.07.2020 was circulated. After scrutiny of all representations received, the Circle Gradation List 2020 of PAs in Post Offices as on 01.07.2020 is published herewith. The Circle Gradation List is prepared following all instructions/ guidelines issued by the Department of: Post and Department of Personnel and Training and may be viewed through Kerala Post website mentioned below:
All Divisions are requested to give maximum publicity to the Circle Gradation List published herewith. Divisions are also requested to extend an opportunity to all officials to view the Circle Gradation list in nearby HOs/MDGs. A certificate to that effect duly signed by the Divisional Head may please be forwarded to this office. The acquittance received from all officials may be forward to Circle Office by 20-10-2021. The soft copies of the same may also be
sent to the e — mail id:
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