GDS Upward Revision of TRCA Instructions | Instructions on modality for upward revision of TRCA (Time Related Continuity Allowance) of GDSs(Gramin Dak Sevaks) consequent upon increase in workload
Instructions on modality for upward revision of TRCA (Time Related Continuity Allowance) of GDSs(Gramin Dak Sevaks) consequent upon increase in workload
on the above noted subject, it has come to the notice of the competent authority that in a case of upward revision of TRCA consequent upon increase in workload of GDSBPM, Karnataka circle fixed his TRCA by adopting the method provided for downward revision of TRCA (on reduction of workload / redeployment to lower slab) vide this Directorate OM No. 14-16/2001-pAp (Pt) dated 11.10.2004.
whereas, his TRCA should have been revised upward but owing to want of clear guidelines on the issue this irregular fixation was happened and caused unnecessary litigation.
2 The matter was examined and it has been observed that since the provisions of downward revision of TRCA are based on the same analogy as provided in the Pay Rules for fixation on placing to lower scale. upward revision of TRCA should also be considered on the same analogy provided in the pay Rules for fixation of pay on placement to higher scale.
3. Accordingly the competent authority has decided the following modality for upward revision of TRCA of GDS consequent upon increase in workload:-
"one increase shall be added to the existing TRCA in the old slab/level (lower slab/level) and, then TRCA shall be fixed at the equal figure so arrived at in the upward slab/level (higher slab/level) of TRCA and if no such figure is available then at the immediate next higher stage of TRCA in that slab/level.
To illustrate,
If TRCA slab / level of a GDS on increase of workload has been revised upward from the TRCA slab Rs.3660-70-5760 to that of Rs.4575-85-7125 w.e.f 01.08.2013 and at the time of such upward revision his existing TRCA was 5130/-. fixation of TRCA shall be made by adding Rs. 70/- (one increase) to his existing TRCA in the old slab (i.e. 5130 + 70 = Rs.5200/-) and then it shall be fixed at Rs.5255/- of upward slab (Rs.4575-85-7125) as no stage at Rs.5200/- is available in the upward slab, thus to be fixed at the immediate next higher stage Rs.5255/- and annual increase in TRCA so on i.e. Rs.5340/- on 01.08.2014.
4. The competent authority has further directed to all the administrative units to review all the pending court cases on the issue and to ensure the course of further necessary action in the light of these instructions.
5. It is therefore, requested to bring these instructions to the notice of al1 concerned immediately and ensure strict adherence in true spirit.
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