Electronic clearance of letter boxes through Nanyatha software | DO Letter to Postal Circles Dated 09th August 2021
This is regarding electronic clearance of letter boxes through Nanyatha software so that clearance details of letter boxes can be monitored online. Electronic Clearance of letter boxes will help in avoiding delay in clearance of letter boxes and thereby expediting the processing, transmission & delivery of letters posted in letter boxes
2. The status of the letter boxes covered under electronic clearance through Nanyatha software has been reviewed. It is observed that so far electronic clearance of letter boxes has not been fully implemented for all the letter boxes.
3. Electronic clearance of letter boxes provides a useful tool to the Divisional heads to online monitor the timely clearance of letter boxes and there is a need to cover all letter boxes under electronic clearance through Nanyatha software, The MIS data also helps in rationalization of letter boxes, based on the number of articles being posted in a letter box over a period of time. Coverage of all the letter boxes is essential to improve the quality of service for unregistered mail.
4. I, therefore, request you to launch a drive in the Circle to cover on priority basis all the letter boxes attached with the Departmental Post offices, under electronic clearance through Nanyatha by 16 October, 2021 to coincide with the 'Mails Day of the National Postal Week.
The drive may also be utilized to review the justification of existing letter boxes. Besides, all Letter Boxes may also be painted during the drive, to complete the painting of all letter boxes by "Mails Day".
5. An action taken report in the attached format on the three issues i.e. coverage of letter boxes under Nanyatha, review of letter boxes, painting of letter boxes may be forwarded to the Directorate by 20th October, 2021 on the e-mail the e-mail i.d. devenderk,singh25@gov.in & amcdirectorate@gmail.com
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