Duties of Postman/ Delivery Staff in post offices | Additional Duties of postman and Delivery Staff in Post offices
On account of changes in work scenario of the Post offices brought about due to the induction of technology and primacy of business products, the duties and responsibilities of the postman have undergone a vast change. In order to incorporate these changes, the following duties are prescribed in addition to the duties already prescribed for Postman/Delivery staff in the Postal Manual Volume VI/Chapter III.
Additional Duties of Postman/Delivery Staff
(i) Data entry in various modules (Postman, Speed Net) of Meghdoot software of all mail articles given to them for delivery. This duty will be performed during the 80 minutes period (60 minutes before the hours of delivery and 20 minutes after return from the beat) on each working day within the overall duty hours.
(ii) Assistance to sorting Postman/Head Postman in beat sorting wherever available. Where there are no posts of Sorting Postman/Head Postman, the Postman will attend to bear sorting.
· Delivery of any pamphlets or brochures presented under Direct Post.
· Collection of surplus cash from sub post offices lying in the beat and remitting cash to the main post office to which they are attached, whenever ordered by the Postmaster.
· Assisting in Table sorting, Segregation of missent articles, misdirected articles and Beat sorting.
· Preparation of special delivery slips for bulk addressees by data entry in the Postman module.
· Sorting of accountable articles and Money orders beat wise and their entry in the computer system for printing the delivery slips.
· Entry of undelivered accountable articles/Money orders in the Postman module.
· To act as an agent for promoting PLI/RPLI and Business Development products.
· Assistance to the treasurers in sorting of the currency notes and making bundles denomination wise and also escort the treasurer while drawing and remittance of cash to Bank/Treasury.
· Drawal of revenue stamps from Treasury/sub treasury if ordered by the Postmaster.
· Utilizing the services for data entry of RPLI/PLI Proposals and generating acceptance memos for policies on payment of some incentive.
· Preparing the beat list and the beat map of the beat and updating the same on a regular basis.
· Any other duty assigned by the Department/Head of the office.
2. This has the approval of Secretary (Posts)
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