DOP ATM Cash Availability Monitoring | Monitoring of cash availability in all the Postal ATMs | Cash-out at any ATM of more than ten hours in a month will attract a late penalty of 10,000/- per ATM | DO Letter Dated 24.09.2021
This is in continuation with this office letter of even no. dated 07.09.2021 wherein RBI Circular No. DCM (RMTT) No. S153/11.01.01/2021-22 dated 10.08.2021 related with monitoring of cash availability in all the ATMs was enclosed for your information and necessary actions.
The guidelines/directions of the RBI is reproduced as under-
This is effective from October 01 2021 and banks should put in place a robust system for monitoring the availability of cash in ATMs and ensure timely replenishment to avoid cash-outs. In case the same is not followed by the banks will attract monetary penalty as stipulated in the
Scheme of Penalty for non replenishment of ATM, as per the annex to the above referred RBI circular. Also. banks shall submit system generated report on downtime of ATM due to non-replenishment of cash to the issue Department of RBI under whose jurisdiction these ATMs are located
Cash -out at any ATM of more than ten hours in a month will attract a late penalty of 10,000/- per ATM.
In the wake of above scenario it is once again reiterated to instruct your Post Offices where ATM are installed for providing cash as per the indent within the prescribed time limit from 01 10.2021 onwards to avoid penalty and inconvenience to the customers
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