Delivery of EPICs (Elector Photo Identity Cards) and Notices through Speed Post | SOP On Delivery of EPICs | MOU Between DOP (Department of Posts) & ECI (Election Commission of India)
Delivery of Elector Photo Identity Cards (EPICs) and Notices through Speed Post - regarding.
Election Commission of India has decided that all Elector Photo Identity Cards (EPICs) and Notices issued by Chief Election Officers (CEOs) of all the States will be delivered through Speed Post.
2. Considering the volume of EPICs and Notices issued by the all the CEOs in the country, it has been agreed to charge a flat rate of Rs.25/- (Rs. twenty five only) per article (weight up to 50 grams) for delivery of EPICs and Notices through Speed Post deliverable within a revenue district. (GST at the rate of 18% on Speed Post charges for booking of EPICs and Notices will be applicable till further instructions). No volume discount shall be applicable for booking of EPICs and Notices at flat rate.
However, CEOs of the States who already have a BNPL agreement with DOP for booking of Speed Post articles at the notified rates can opt to switch over to flat rate of Rs.25 per article or continue with the existing arrangements.
3. An exclusive Speed Post barcode series from AV00000001xIN to AV99999999xIN ('x' denotes check digit) has been earmarked for booking of EPICs and Notices with flat rate of Rs.25/- per article and distributed State/UT wise among all the Circles. AV series of bar code will be allotted only to those CEOs who will opt for booking of EPICs and Notices at the flat rate of Rs.25/- per article. In case CEO opts to continue with existing arrangements for booking of EPICs and Notices at notified rate, normal bar code series available with Circles will be used.
4. The CEOs opted for booking with flat rate of Rs.25/- per article will enter into an MoU as per the format agreed to between DOP and ECI with the respective Circle for booking of EPICs and Notices through Speed Post. A copy of same is enclosed herewith.
5. A copy of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for booking and delivery of EPICs and Notices issued by CEOs and BNPL account settlement is enclosed for taking further necessary action.
6. In view of the above, it is requested to liaise with the CEOs of State/s falling under the jurisdiction of your Circle to commence booking of EPICs and Notices as per the option given by CEO of the State and SOP.
7. It is also requested that all the Divisional Heads under your administrative control may be instructed to sensitize the supervisory and operational staff engaged in processing and delivery of Speed Post articles to make all out efforts to deliver the Speed Post articles containing EPICs and Notices within the prescribed service standards and strictly adhere to the following instructions:
(i) The articles will be delivered at the door step of the addressee through PMA only and name of the person taking the delivery will be entered in PMA invariably.
(ii) The contact number of the addressee, if mentioned in the address should be contacted for expedited delivery of the articles.
(iii) In case of undelivered Speed Post articles containing EPICs and Notices, the in-charge/Supervisor of delivery office will ensure that appropriate remark as prescribed in 'Procedure of Delivery of Speed Post Articles' issued vide OM number 57-01/2010-BD&MD dated 01.06.2010 has been mentioned by the delivery staff.
(iv) In all the cases of undelivered articles, an additional attempt of delivery under the supervision of respective Sr. Postmaster /SDI/PRI(P)/Mail Overseer will be made invariably. The article will be returned only after appropriate check and on the basis of outcome of the additional attempt of delivery.
(v) All the cases of Return to Sender articles even after second attempt of delivery of the articles will be reviewed by respective Divisional heads.
8. An action take report mentioning the mode opted by CEOs for booking of EPICs and Notices in your Circle along with information of tentative number of EPICs/Notices expected to be issued in the current year and next year by respective CEOs may be sent to Mail Business Division.
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