Aadhaar v3.3.4.2/96-2 QSSITV Service errors & Its solution | Procedure to update Aadhaar v3.3.4.2/96-2 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Aadhaar v3.3.4.2/96-2 QSSITV Service errors & Its solution | Procedure to update Aadhaar v3.3.4.2/96-2


Procedure to update Aadhaar v3.3.4.2/96-2

Aadhaar client v120-1 and above update to the latest version of Aadhaar v96-2 through OTA aadhaar Client update service.

ECA/ECMP modules not working due to QSSITV Services not running on the Aadhaar machine due to improper updation.

Steps to Check:
  1. 1. Go to C:\UID Authority of India\Aadhaar Enrolment Client\version
  2. 2. Open version file using notepad. check whether which version exists
  3. 3. If the version 96-2 available in the version file, OTA client updates the application.
  4. 4. If QSSITV Service not running in the above version, go to SEED folder check the availability of 96-2 version OTA file
  5. 5. extract the same and replace all files with Aadhaar Enrolment client folder after stop all the aadhaar related services mentioned below
  • Aadhaar Enrol Service Client/ Aadhaar OTA Update Service
  • Aadhaar Multiplatform Device Manager
  • Aadhaar QSSITV Service

Follow the procedure as per mentioned in the video

If Still you are facing the same error.
  • Update previous version which available in the SEED folder i.e 125-1 or 126-1 or 127-1 ota file
  • Download OUC if your version
  • Connect Public network then restart OTA Client for updating v3.3.4.2/96-2 automatically through OTA client service.

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