Payment of Honorarium to the officials who have worked on 13.11.2016 (Sunday) and 14.11.2016(Holiday) during Demonetization period in Post Offices - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Payment of Honorarium to the officials who have worked on 13.11.2016 (Sunday) and 14.11.2016(Holiday) during Demonetization period in Post Offices

 Payment of Honorarium to the officials who have worked on 13.11.2016 (Sunday) and 14.11.2016 (Holiday) during demonetization period-regarding

This is regarding Payment of Honorarium to the officials who have worked on 13.11.2016 (Sunday) and 14.11.2016 (Holiday) during demonetization period.

The matter was examined as per the instructions in Directorates letter no. 116- 11/2016-SB dated 21.11.2016 and F.No. 116-01/2015-SB dated 31.10.2017 and in accordance with item no. 3(a) of schedule II of Schedule of Financial Powers, the Chief PMG

has ordered the following:-

1. 1/30th of the pay + DA drawn during the month of demonetization period is be paid as honorarium per day to the eligible officials, who have performed the demonetization works on 13.11.2016 and 14.11.2016, subject to the condition that the honorarium per individual per annum is restricted to Rs.4000/-.

2. An amount of Rs. 100/- per day is be paid to the officials who have worked for extended working hours on other working days as incidental charges, during the period from 12.11.2016 to 24.11.2016 (effectively 10 days, excluding 13.11.2016, 14.11.2016 and 20.11.2016), subject to the conditions that no expenditure was incurred for the same earlier.

3. Before implementation of the above said orders, the Divisional Heads will ensure that no compensatory off was granted/no extra expenditure was incurred for the same earlier and also to ensure that the concerned officials have actually worked on those dates.

4. The above incentive and the incidental charges are to be paid through respective DDOs only after getting a list of such officials through the respective Divisions duly recommended by Divisional Head.

5. Due care should be taken while preparing the list of officials worked on 13.11.2016 and 14.11.2016 including those officials who have retired from service.

6. It may be ensured that expenditure are kept within the Budget expenditure ceiling for April to June 2020 as specified in Directorate vide letter no. 20-7/2019-20/BG dated 09.04.2020.

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