Irregular financial transactions/activities in DARPAN PLI client application | Digital Advancement of Rural Post Office for A New India (DARPAN) PLI Client Application Transactions - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams
Monday, March 17.

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Irregular financial transactions/activities in DARPAN PLI client application | Digital Advancement of Rural Post Office for A New India (DARPAN) PLI Client Application Transactions

  In order to avoid irregular financial transactions/activities in DARPAN PLI client application following Instructions may please be adhered to:- 

1. Rights to perform financial transactions should be assigned only to Branch office Incharge. Suitable arrangement needs to be done for mail overseer/substitute if deployed, in case of BPM is leave, put off etc.

2. Account office of BO concerned will have to generate the End of Day collection report. disbursement report. receipt and payment report and other related reports of collections and disbursements to ensure that the correct amount is accounted for in the Branch Post Office Account. The same report ("Premium Collection Report") will also be generated by SO (account office of BO) at the end of day and again on next working day before day begin for the previous day and check that there is no cancellation of receipt / no change in transactions and amount accounted for in Branch Post Office AccountIn case of variation the matter should be reported to Divisional/Sub Divisional Head, immediately, by the Supervisor/Postmaster. 

3. Report for Sundays and Holidays should also be generated by Account office of BO concerned on next working day in same manner to ensure that no collections & disbursements were made on during non-working days. In case of any transactions / variation the matter should be reported to Divisional/ Unit Head, immediately. by the Supervisor/ Postmaster. 

4. Account office of BO will also check that no receipt of collection is cancelled by BPM without following prescribed procedure. If any receipt is found to have been cancelled by BPM without following procedure. the matter should be reported by the APM/Supervisor to Divisional/Unit head and stern action should be taken against the BPM in addition to conducting enquiry into the matter 

5. No collection and disbursement should be done manually. All collections and disbursements related to PLI and RPLI should be done in handheld device only. SPM/ APM/ Supervisor have to keep close watch on the working of BPM to ensure this

6. During the course of inspections of offices concerned, authority concerned should also check whether aforesaid instructions are being adhered to. If not, responsibility should be fixed and stern disciplinary action should be taken against the officer/ official responsible. It is requested to disseminate the above instructions to all field unit This issues with the approval of GM(O) 



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