IPPB Incentive Structure for DOP End Users | IPPB Incentive for General Insurance Premium Collection | IPPB (India Post Payments Bank) Incentive for AEPS/Savings Account Opening
7. For every One CELC (Child Enrolment Lite Client) Transaction - Total Revenue for the Bank is Rs 50/- and End User/GDS(Gramin Dak Sevak) will get Rs 10.59/- to their account as incentive.
8. If End User open a account with VDC(Virtual Debit Card) generation and after that done a AEPS for Rs 2000, it generates Rs 30 Revenue. The Bank gives Rs 7/- incentive to end users
9. For every One DLC(Digital Life Certificate) Transaction - Total Revenue for the Bank is Rs 70/- and End User/GDS(Gramin Dak Sevak) will get Rs 16.63/- to their account as incentive
10. For every DMT (Domestic Money Transfer) Transaction - End user will get 25% of charges collected.
India Post Payment Bank had approved the incentive structure in Feb 2019.
- GDS BPM for single hand BOs
- GDS DA for double hand BOs
- Postman/PA for SOs and HOs
- GDS BPM for double hand BOs
- SPM for SOs
- PM for HOs
- ASP/IP for BO, SO and HO
What is the rate of IPPB incentive
Incentive for new IPPB account opening
1. SB account incentive for GDS: Rs 7/- per account
*Eligibility criterion::
1) Rs 100/- deposit within 30 days of account opening.
2) POSA linkage
within 30 days of account opening
Cumulative revenue generation of Rs 30/- within 90 days of
account opening
2. Current account incentive for GDS: Rs 45/- per account
*Eligibility criterion::
1) Rs 1000/- MAB for consecutive 3 months
2) Cumulative revenue generation of Rs 50/- within 90 days of
account opening
3. AEPS transaction incentive
12.5% of total transaction amount.
Rs 3.75/-
Whichever is highest
• Example : For Rs. 3,000/- incentive of Rs. 3.75 is given
to GDS/Postman/PA.
Example : For Rs. 1,000/- incentive of Rs. 1.25 is given to
Example : For Rs. 9,000/- incentive of Rs. 3.75 is given to
4. NEFT-IMPS transaction incentive
25% of revenue generated per transaction
For Example: If a customer does an IMPS transaction and he was charged with Rs 5/. GDS will be getting Rs 1.25/- {i.e. 25% of Rs 5/-}
5. Incentive for transaction done by customer in "IPPB
For any transactions done using "IPPB MOBILE BANKING APP" (like Electricity bill, mobile recharge etc., even though it is free for customer, bank will be generating revenue from biller). The respective GDS who opened that account will be getting an incentive of 0.5% of revenue generated.
6. Doorstep transaction incentive
GDS will be getting 25% of revenue generated from doorstep
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