Implementation of the CBS-CTS Integration and Centralized Cheque clearing solution from 30.08.2021 | SOP for centralized grid clearance (CBS-CTS) | Addendum 2 of SB Order No 24/2021 | Standard Accounting Procedure (SAP)
Please refer to SB Order No. 24/2021 dated 18.08.2021 and Addendum to SB Order No. 24/2021 dated 21.08.2021 in which rollout of CBS-CTS Integration solution was scheduled on 23.08.2021 and the same was deferred due to connectivity issue.
2. The network connectivity issue between CBS and CTS application has been resolved. Accordingly, the competent authority has decided to deploy CBS-CTS Integration and Centralization of Cheque Clearing operations at Chennai GPO from 30/08/2021.
3. From 30.08.2021 all GPOs/HPOs shall scan Cheques collected for POSB operations (outward Cheques) of CBS post offices in the new CTS application only
4. Inward clearing operations received on 30/08/2021 will be done in the old CTS application and Finacle by respective grids/HOs as per the existing procedure.
5. From 31/08/2021, Inward clearing will be handled centrally at Chennai GPO. CTS vendor will update the CTS application on 30.08.2021 for all GPOs/HOs
6. Regarding the outward Cheque lodged before 30.08.2021 in the CTS application, a report link will be made available in the new CTS application to download the report for previous days. The respective Grid/GPOs/HPOs shall follow the existing process for clearance of outward Cheque lodged before 30.08.2021.
7. Approved Standard Account Procedure (SAP) for centralized grid clearance system is attached for information, guidance, and necessary action.
8. It is requested to circulate these amendments to all CBS Post Offices for information, guidance, and necessary action.
9. This issues with the approval of the DDG (FS). Enclosed: - SAP for centralized grid clearance (CBS-CTS
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