Creating Awareness About PLI & RPLI (Postal Life Insurance and Rural Postal Life Insurance) among Karnataka State Government employees | Orders By Government of Karnataka
Government of Karnataka
Ministry of Government of Karnataka,
Bangalore, Date: 17.08.2021.
Topic: - PLI and RPLI Insurance About raising awareness on Postal Insurance.
Postal Life Insurance (PLI) is one of the oldest life insurance providers in India. It has 137 Years of operation , various beneficiaries of PLI are central and state
Ministries / Departments of Governments, Defense and Paramilitary Services
Members, Central / State Public Sector Organizations, Banks, Education
Organizations and local organizations and professionals (including doctors)
Engineers, Chartered Accountants, Lawyers etc.
RPLI service started in the year 1995 for serving rural India. Today, PLI and RPLI are covered more than 90 lakhs customers across the country Special features includes Lower premium and higher bonus, now days PLI and RPLI system is fully digitized.
hence it is requested to utilize the insurance service among Karnataka state government employees
MM Raju (Chief Secretary of Government of Karnataka)
1. All the Chief Secretaries / Heads of Government
Secretaries / Secretaries,
2. All Heads of State
3, all the District Officers of the State,
4, Chief Operating Officers of all districts of the State.
5, branch cover file
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