Capturing Proper Electronic Data at Postal Booking Counters | Point of Sale (POS) |United States Postal Services (USPS) - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Capturing Proper Electronic Data at Postal Booking Counters | Point of Sale (POS) |United States Postal Services (USPS)

 Capturing proper electronic data at booking counters

This is with reference to the instructions regarding capturing proper electronic

data at booking counters issued vide 71-13/2020-CF dated 30.09.2020 and OM NO 19-1/2020-DA dated 28-07-2021.

2. United States Postal Services (USPS) has informed that only 70% of articles are received with proper electronic data. All the international articles containing goods /merchandise are liable to be returned in case correct and complete electronic advanced data (EAD) is not transmitted

3. Therefore, it has to be ensured that articles booked at the counter are affixed with correct Customs declaration forms, bear the complete address of sender and addressee with ZIP / Post code and the entire information is fed into the system (POS) by the booking staff. It is also requested to ensure the compliance of such provisions for international mail for all countries.

4. In case of return of articles on account of improper, incorrect, or incomplete

data feeding at booking counter, the booking PA and Supervisor shall be held

responsible for the cost, inconvenience and delay

Ram Naresh Sikaria)

Assistant Director General (IM)

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