SB Order No 21/2021 Regarding restriction of manual POSB transactions in RICT-CBS enabled GDS Branch Post Offices ( BOs) | BO Settlement Account (SOLID+0339)
BO Settlement account SOL ID+0339 was introduced at the time of CBS implementation to facilitate posting of POSB Transactions done through manual mode in BOs
Keeping in view of duplicity of work at account office and risk of fraud, competent authority has decided to block BO Settlement account (SOLid+0339) IN ALL CBS Post Offices w.e.f 1st August 2021. BOs attached with CBS Post Offices shall do POSB transactions in RICT CBS application only
Competent authority further decided that account holders of PO Savings accounts standing in RICT CBS branch post offices may avail ATM, e-Banking & m-Banking facilities from 01.08.2021
To avail ATM Card or e Banking/m Banking facility account holder should have PAN Number, eMail ID and Mobile Number
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