SB Order No 20/2021 Abolition of Savings Bank Aptitude Test | Abolition of SB Aptitude Test
The Savings Bank Allowance had been introduced on 01.05.1989, and was
paid to the Postal Assistants working in the SB Branches of the Post Offices. The
allowance was admissible only to those Postal Assistants who were selected to be
posted in SB Branch having at least 5 years service with good record and pass
the aptitude test / such other test as may be prescribed from time to time for
posting in the SB Branch. The eligibility criterion in respect of minimum service
requirement for attending SB Aptitude Test was revised as one year vide SB
Order No. 16/2011 dated 23.08.2011. The said Saving Bank Allowance has been
abolished in 7th CPC.
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