Reached One Million Views | Thank you All !!! - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Reached One Million Views | Thank you All !!!


Today, I reached a milestone in my blog: 1 million total views. Thank you to everyone who is reading this, from the long term readers who have been there since the beginning to the ones who just found me today.

It’s taken me just 10 months to reach this milestone; I started this blogger on 18th July 2020. It was started with experience sharing about IPO exam 2019 and shared more than 900 self made questions about various topics useful for all postal exams from LGO exams to Group B Exams. I could not able to deliver expected coverage of materials, whenever I find some time I will try to post as much as possible from my side. Hope it may not help you people much but definitely it works in another way of motivation and guidance. One million is one of those numbers that’s hard to really wrap your head around.

So thanks to all of you for reading, commenting, and sharing. When I started this journey, I had no idea how much I would learn, both from writing posts and from conversations with all you amazing people out there.
I’m looking forward to continuing these conversations with you in the years to come. Here’s to the next 1 million views!

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