Post Office Guide Part 1 | Brief Notes | Short Notes | By R.Hariharakrishnan | Useful for all postal exams - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Post Office Guide Part 1 | Brief Notes | Short Notes | By R.Hariharakrishnan | Useful for all postal exams

P.O.Guide Part-I notes


Compiled by


R.Hariharakrishnan Manager,

Postal Stores Depot Tirunelveli 627002


Suggestions and improvements are always welcome.



1. Organisation:


·         Minister for communication: Shri. Ashwini Vaishnav


·         Secretary: Shri.Vineet Pandey


·         Director General-Shri.Alok Sharma 


·         Postal board: total members 6


·         Our country is divided into 23 Postal circles as follows. Head of the circle: Chief Postmaster General

Sl no

Name of the circle


Union territories covered by


Andhra Pradesh


















Delhi UT




Daman, Diu






Himachal Pradesh




Jammu & Kashmir














Laccadive islands


Madhya Pradesh








North East




























Uttar Pradesh




West Bengal


Andaman & Nicobar islands



·         Each circle is divided into Regions. Regional Head: Postmaster General


·         Each region is divided into Postal divisions and RMS divisions. Head of postal division is SP/SSP. Head of RMS division is SRM/SSRM (Superintendent RMS/Senior superintendent RMS).


·         each postal division is divided into sub divisions and head of sub division is IP/ASP.



2. Types of offices.


·         Head post office.


In charge is Postmaster. If the postmaster is Gazetted, then it is called First class H.O.s. The postmaster of first class HO can exercise the powers of divisional head for the staff under his control.


·         Sub post office


·         ED branch office.


·         All postal transactions are performed by B.O. with restrictions and limits.


·         A designated HO at the headquarters of the circle is called General Post Office. (GPO)


·         The in-charge of Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkatta GPOs are Directors.


·         MO and VP articles not to be booked for Army Post Office.


·         A B.O can function for a maximum of 5 hours a day.


3. Night Post office


·         The working hours is fixed by head of the circle.


·         DG can extend the working hours upto 8.30 PM and for working on Sundays also.


·         sale of stamps, stationery, booking of RL/speed, VP will be done.


·         on Sundays from 1000 to 1700 hours.


·         No work on delivery, MO payment/SB/SC.


4. Mobile post office. (No mobile post offices now)


·         They are functioning in important cities.


·         They will function at different fixed places at fixed hours.


·         sale of stamps, stationery, booking of VP, RL (no insured).


·         some offices are authorized to book MO also.


5. Business hours of post offices.


·         The business hours for various services are displayed in the premises.


·         enquiries, sale of stamps-during the entire working hours.


·         booking of RL/VP- for 6 to 7 hours on all days and upto 5 hours on Saturdays.


·         SB, MO –upto 5 hours on all days and upto 3 hours on Saturdays.


·         in RMS offices also RL/speed are booked.


6. Postal holidays


·         There will be total 14 holidays out of which 11 fixed holidays and 3 national holidays all over the country. Additional 3 holidays that may differ from circle to circle which are decided by the circles.


7. Sale of revenue stamps


·         Revenue stamps are sold by post offices on behalf of the state governments. 10% of the value is received by our department as commission for sales.


8. Prepayment of postage


·         Unpaid articles are not given any priority. They are liable to be detained and there may be delay. They are not included for special deliveries but included in general deliveries.


9. Franking machine


·         It is a stamping machine used to frank postal articles.


·         There is a license die and value die.


·         Government offices, private firms, Public sector undertakings (LIC etc), organizations, can use this.


·         License is issued by divisional head. Fee for license is Rs.375. If applied for renewal after the due date, the fee will be Rs.475. Renewal to be done every 5 years.


·         machines (models)approved by the department only can be used.


·         franked articles should be presented at the PO counter and should not be posted in letter boxes. They should be presented in value wise bundles. If posted in letter box, it will be treated as unpaid articles and taxed accordingly.


·         Maximum two offices can be selected for posting at the time of applying for license. If only one office is selected, it should be a post office. If 2 offices are selected, one can be a post office and another can be a night post office.


·         a window delivery ticket will be provided to the licensee which should be produced with each dispatch, to establish the identity.


·         each article should have one value die and one license die impressions.


·         the colour may be red or blue.


·         a daily docket should be produced with the last dispatch of the day. This will show the opening meter reading, closed meter reading.


·         for repair works, the following is the procedure. If service Centre is available locally, the repair work will be done at the premises in the presence of the postal official nominated. In other cases, the dies will be removed by the post office and then the machine will be sent for repair works. The cost of repair works to be borne by the licensee.


·         cut out labels can be used for affixing in parcels and bigger postal articles. Only one cut out label is to be used. Cannot be used for insured articles. Total amount of franking impression written in red ink. Should be completely pasted on the article.


·         A rebate of 3% will be allowed on franked articles.


·         For erroneous impressions (impressions taken wrongly), the same can be surrendered at the post office and the value, after 5% deduction will be paid. The full wrapper should be surrendered. This should be done within 30 days from the date of impression.


·         Minimum resetting for first time is Rs. 2000 and for subsequent resetting is Rs. 1000. The amount can be multiple of Rs.100.


·         The licensee can use advertisements on his postal articles. The cost of cutting dies should be borne by the licensee. The slogan should be related to his business. He can use any number of slogans and each slogan should be approved by divisional head. Only one slogan should be used in each article. Slogan should be on the left hand top corner of the article.


·         For RMFM, the franked articles can be posted at only one office. This can be Post office, RMS office. Can not be posted in single handed office.


·         If the FM is not used for 30 days, the server should be called for inspection. If the FM is not used for more than 3 months, except inspection call, the SSP/SP should investigate whether there is genuine reasons for the non use and if necessary, can cancel the license.


·         An additional rebate of 2% will be given for pre sorting of franked articles pincode wise. For the 3% rebate, the minimum amount franked should be Rs. 5000.


10. Prepayment of postage in cash


·         This facility is available in important post offices, for unregistered packets only, posted in larger numbers.


·         in bigger cities minimum article posted should be 500 and in smaller towns it is 250.


·         Some post offices are authorized for registration also.


11. Cancellation of high value stamps


·         High value stamps affixed on airmail articles presented at counter/mail office are to be cancelled in the presence of the person presenting the articles.


12. General points on stamps


·         Public are advised to use minimum number of stamps.


·         Special registered envelope not to be used for unregistered postal articles.


·         Use of already used stamps is offence in Indian Penal Code.


·         Manufacture of fictitious stamps is punishable under 263 A of Indian Penal Code.


·         Stamps to be used for illustrative purpose should be only in black.


·         Other stamps affixed on postal articles are not to be cancelled.


·         Letters and post cards only are to be posted in letter boxes marked for “letters only”


13. Redelivery of articles to the sender (Recall of articles)


·         The article should not have been delivered/destroyed/confiscated/seized.


·         The sender should submit a request. The sender should submit the receipt granted to him and after verification the same will be returned to him.


·         The prescribed fee (Rs.6 per article) will be collected in the form of postage stamps and affixed in the application.


·         If the article is available at the office of posting, it will be delivered to the person. If not, the application will be forwarded to the office of delivery.


·         For articles posted by the same sender, to the same addressee and posted at the same time will be treated as single article for calculation of fees.


·         The sender should pay additional amount involved if his request is to be send to the office of delivery in other modes (telegrams, mail etc).


·         For foreign articles, the fee is Rs. 30.


·         The application for recall will be preserved for 1 year.


14. Method of address


·         For articles to be delivered in urban areas, the following details to be furnished.


·         Name, profession, number, name of the house, street or road, locality, PB if any, post town, pincode, district, state, Mobile number(optional)


·         For articles to be delivered in rural areas the following details to be furnished.


·         Name, father’s /husband name, profession, number of house with name of street, name of village, post office and PIN, taluk (if PIN is not written), district, state( if PIN is not written), mobile number(optional)


15. Delivery.


·         The addressee of a registered article can take delivery or request for the detention for 1 week.


·         For pardanashin woman, the signature should be attested by a person known to postman. If the witness is not known to the postman, that person should be identified by another person known to the postman, who should also sign. The article will be delivered to the witness.


·         If any registered article is received in damaged condition, a registered notice is issued to the addressee to take delivery at the office within 7 days (for inland) and 15 days for foreign articles.


·         Parcels weighing upto 10 kg will be sent only once for delivery. Parcels weighing more than 10 kg will be delivered at the post office. A notice will be issued to the addressee.


·         If any person refuses to pay the amount due to the post office, all the articles except on IGS will not be delivered.


·         Insured articles of value greater than Rs. 500 will be delivered at post offices.


·         No unpaid amount will be recovered from forces letter (special ILC)and green envelopes(special envlopes) which are posted by defence service personnel.


16 Post boxes.


·         This facility is available in selected post offices.


·         fully prepaid articles will be delivered through post boxes. If the article is bigger in size which can not be put in the post box, and intimation will be placed in the box and the article is kept in delivery department.


·         Firms, individuals can avail this facility. Application should be made to the postmaster duly signed by two witnesses. If the person/firm is well established, no witness is necessary.


·         Articles addressed to legitimate personnel of the firm, family members, guests, trainees, inmates of institution, casual visitors, and representatives will be delivered.


·         Articles of other firms of the same owner will also be delivered, if separate fee for another post box is paid.

·         fee for renting post boxes. Post box alone

·         1.4 to 31.3 of next year: Rs. 150; for 3 calandar months or part there of Rs. 50 Post box and bag in combination, with same or different numbers. 1.4 to 31.3 Rs. 250, for 3 calandar months or part there of Rs. 80


·         registered/insured/VP/MO bearing the postbox number only can be delivered through postman during the holding of the post box. If ceased to be the holder, the articles will be returned to the sender.


·         change of address should be intimated.


·         cannot ask for a particular box.


·         has to pay advance for lock and key. If the key is lost, the cost is to be borne by the holder. All the repair works to be done at the cost of the holder. If the key is lost, lock is damaged, key is not returned on expiry of the period, the deposit will not be refunded.


·         renewal should be done before the expiry of the rental period.The renewal can be done if presented within 15 days after the period, provided the same box should be available.


·         If the box is not cleared for a week, a notice will be sent by registered post to clear the articles. If not cleared, the articles will be delivered if it contains the address or the renter has given instructions. Otherwise, they will be returned as undelivered.


17 Post bags.


·         This system is available in all offices. Fee is the same as that of post box.


·         The public is to provide the bag, lock and key duplicate key.


·         the articles will be placed inside the bag and the locked bag will be handed over to the messenger.


·         the renter can send the articles to be posted through the same bag to the post office( unregistered articles,letters, postcards, ILCs, newspaper and packets). This is not applicable if the renter has post box and post bag with same number.


18. Window delivery


·         This system is available in all offices where post box system is not available.


·         The public can give instructions that he will come and collect the articles from the post office. These articles will not be sent through postman.


·         There is no fee for this.


·         The articles are taken over loose (not closed in bag).


19. Identification cards.


·         This card will be issued for tourists, travelling representatives of firm and other members of public experiencing difficulty in establishing identity. The applicant should be literate.


·         H.O. only can issue this card. Size of the care is 88mmX63 mm


·         If the application is presented at SO, it should be sent to HO.


·         d.This card can be used to establish identity in getting the postal articles/MOs.


·         The period of validity is 3 years from the date of issue. After that, fresh card is to be applied.


·         The photo should be supplied by the applicant.


·         If the card is lost, duplicate will be issued after observing all rules for fresh card. The applicant should give a written application to free the department from all responsibilities in the event of the misuse of his lost card.


·         Fee for card is Rs.9 in the form of postage stamps, which will be affixed in the identification card itself.


20. Poste Restante


·         This facility is for strangers and travelers.


·         Maximum period 3 months.


·         Articles superscribed “to be kept till called for”, “to await arrival”, are treated as poste restante articles.


·         They will be detained for 30 days. VP articles for 7 days only.


·         The responsibility of the post office is to keep the articles for the prescribed period.


21. Redirection


·         If notice is served for the arrival, not to be redirected. Office of destination only can redirect.


·         The articles should not be opened. It should be returned to the postman or posted in the letter boxes under the delivery jurisdiction of the office of delivery.


·         For registered articles, the receipt should not be signed and article should not be opened.


·         For breach of condition, it will be treated as article posted for the first time and taxed accordingly. For parcels,

·         If the original address and redirected address are within the same delivery office or within the same post town, no redirection fee.


·         In other cases, half the prepaid postage is the redirection fee for each redirection. It will be marked as redirection fee on the article and collected from the addressee.


·         Redirection of parcels is to undertaken only on the written instructions.


·         When the parcel is delivered to the sender by the office of issue or office within the post town, no redirection fee will be collected. Otherwise, theredirection fee marked will be collected from the sender. For parcels addressed to troops, no redirection fee is collected.


22. Instructions on change of address.


·         Public can give written instructions to post offices regarding change of address and for redirection of postal articles.


·         They can mention for specific articles or for all articles.


·         They can mention either for him or for his family members also.


·         These instructions are valid for 3 months only unless renewed. For persons leaving India, a longer period may be permitted.


23. Treatment of undeliverable articles.


·         Illegible, incomplete, without wrappers-returned to sender/RLO –at once


·         Not known, left without instructions-kept for 7 days-sender/RLO


·         Articles received on redirection if undellverable, need not be detained.


·         Packets of registered newspapers-7 days


·         Refused or not taken delivery after issue of notice/left India without instructions/dead and no person to claim- returned immediately to sender/RLO.


24. Enquiry and complaints


·         suggestion and complaints book is available at all offices. It should be made available to the public during working hours.


·         Complaints should be sent to SP/SSP. For first class H.O.s can be addressed to the postmaster of that office.


·         Any complaint presented open, can be accepted, sent to SSP/SP free of cost by registered post.


·         For VP articles, complaint should be given at the office of posting with enquiry fee.


·         If complaint is presented in a closed cover, prepayment of postage is necessary.


Periods within the complaint should be preferred.


·         MO/VP- 12 months from the issue of MO/booking of VP.


·         Loss/damage of RL/insured where compensation is involved-3 months from date of posting


·         other complaints regarding inland articles-6 months from the date of incident.

·         indian postal orders-12 months from the last day of the month of issue of the postal order.


Details to be furnished along with the complaint.


·         For articles for which receipts granted-copy of the receipt


·         loss/delay to unregistered articles-time and date of posting, the letter box in which posted, full address in the article. In case of delay, the wrapper or cover.


·         loss of contents-details of missing contents, wrapper or cover.


·         over charges-wrapper. The article should be opened before the postmaster.


·         SB complaints-account number, office.


·         loss, destruction of IPO-counterfoil or serial number, office of issue, date.


25. Acceptance of coins


·         Coins upto Rs. 1 can be accepted. The public can not insist to accept more coins.


26. Articles addressed to deceased persons.


The postmaster can deliver to near relative if the following conditions are satisfied.


·         uninsured articles.


·         Should not contain valuables.


·         Title of the claimant is clear.


·         No counter claim/dispute.


·         In other cases, head of the circle to decide the case.


27. Services that cannot be claimed.


·         Post office officials should not affix stamps on articles, on behalf of public.


·         They are not bound to give change.


·         They are not bound to weigh articles except for registered/parcel, airmail articles.


·         Village postmen can keep postage stamps, stationery for sales to the public. They can accept unregistered articles for posting and they can book RLs and can issue receipts to the public.


28. Business reply service


·         This is a facility to get the reply from the clients without making them to pay for postage.


·         Permit is necessary and will be issued by head of division. Validity upto 31st March. To be renewed for 1 year. If not renewed, fine Rs.100.


The following details must be available in the business reply card or envelope.


·         Name and address of the permit holder


·         Permit number, name of the post office of posting


·         Two vertical lines in black or any colour.


·         The indication “No postage is necessary if posted in India”


·         the indication “Postage will be paid by the addressee”.


·         All the above can be in Hindi/English/regional language. The following are the exceptions. The service indications, iv, v ii in hindi/English.

·         Name of office in English also.


·         For breach of conditions, will be treated as letter and taxed accordingly.


Business reply service fees. 1.4-30.6 Rs. 200

1.7-30.9 Rs.150


1.1.-31.12 Rs.100


1.1-31.3 Rs.50


Handling charges Rs 1per article.


29. Postal articles.


The following are called the traditional mail products.


·         Letters


·         Inland Letter Cards (ILC)


·         Post cards


·         Book packets


·         Book packets containing printed books


·         Book packets containing periodicals vii.Blind Literature packets

·         Sample and pattern packets


·         Registered Newspapers


·         Parcels.


The first 9 types are letters mails and last is parcel mail.


The mails are classified into First class mails (first 3 categories) and second class mails (others). Book packets containing greetings and invitations are treated as first class mails during sorting. First class mails are given free airlift wherever available. Second class mails are given airlift only if they are paid with air surcharge. They are transmitted surface route only.


Second mails are transmitted by air from Chennai to Port Blair and vice versa without air surcharge.




maximum weight 2 KG


postage is Rs. 5 for every 20 grams or part thereof.


envelope used must be of 70 GSM.


Inland Letter Cards.


i. For transmission within India only. ii.Maximum weight 5 grams.

Privately manufactured ILCs also accepted if they are within the size prescribed by the department.


paper to be used is 70 GSM.


Post card.

For transmission within India only. Cost Rs. 0.50. Reply card Rs. 1


Privately manufactured post cards are also accepted if they are of the same sise and specification of departmental cards.


A post card is treated as printed post card if the communication is not handwritten or typewritten.

Rate for printed post card is Rs. 6


Meghddoot post cards are also available wherein advertisement in 4 colours are available.Rs. 0.25


Competetion post cards are available for participation sending replies to competitions conducted by media. Rs. 10.


Book packets.


Book packets may contain greetings, invitations, circulars, horoscopes, pictures, maps, drawings etc. without any personal communication.


The following are allowed (not treated as communication.) name of the person to whom sent or presented,

name and address of the sender or owner, date


not more than 5 words or initials of complementary nature.


The packets should not be closed and should be available for inspection of the contents.


Maximum weight 5 KG




First 50 grams or fractions thereof : Rs. 4


For every additional 50 grams or fraction thereof : Rs. 3 i.Book packet containing printed books.

i.. Printed books without any advertisements like text books.


ii. It should not be published periodically. iii.Should be superscibed “printed books”.

Wholly rreading matter, painting, photography, diagrams.


Name of printer or publisher should be printed in the book.


Conditions are same as that of book packet.



For first 100 grams or fractions thereof : Rs. 1


For every additional 100 grams or part thereof: Rs. 1 j. Book packet containing periodicals.

Books which are published periodically.


The publication should be registered with the Registrar of Newspapers of India, New Delhi.


The registration number should be printed on the cover.




Value of the periodical

For 100 100 grams

For additional 100 grams of parts thereof

Upto Rs. 20

Rs. 2

Rs. 3

Above Rs. 20 and upto Rs. 50

Rs. 4

Rs. 5

Above Rs. 50

Rs. 8

Rs. 9



If the price is not printed or it is for free circulation, it can be posted as book packet only.


Registered News Papers.


It must contain wholly or in great part, political or other news. It may or may not contain advertisement.


It should be published at intervals of not more than 31 days.


It should have a bonafide list of subscribers.


It should be registered with the Registrar of Newspapers of India.


Price should be printed.


It should be registered with the Division, who will issue a license. This should be printed in the first and last page of the newspaper. Registration is valid upto the end of the third calendar year.


Renewal should be done before 30th September. If applied for renewal after that date but before 31st December, late fee is Rs. 50. After 31st December, the late fee is Rs. 100.

They should be presented in the counter of the PO. It should not be posted in letter boxes.


For posting without prepayment of postage (WPP), a license is to be obtained from RO/CO and that number should be printed on the newspaper. The bill is settled twice in a month. On 16th for the period


from 1 to 15 on 1st of the following month for 16 to the last date of the month. The bill should be settled within 7 days.




Single copy: upto 50 grams Rs. 0.25, above 50 grams and upto 100 grams or part thereof Rs. 0.50 Bundles: upto 100 grams Rs. 0.50, Each additional 100 grams or part thereof Rs. 0.20

Sample or pattern packets.


Bonafide samples can be sent.


food grains, cotton, cloth, medicine, seeds etc. can be sent.


It should not have any sale value.


If it is closed, the contents should be noted on the cover.


Maximum weight: 2 KG


postage: same as book packet.


They can notbe registered.


Blind Literature packet


Books, Braille script, CDs/discs containing spoken messages for the blind posted by blind institution. Should be superscribed “literature for the blind”.


No printed or written communication is allowed.


As an exception, the following are allowed. The title and table of contents

The key or instructions


A label for return of the packet.


Maximum weight : 7 KG


Postage, registration charges, acknowledgement charges free. Attested copy of addresse’s receipt is also free.




A communication can be sent inside a parcel.


If the weight is more than 4 KGs it must be registered. Length of parcel should not exceed 1 meter. Length and girth taken together should not exceed 1.8 meter.


The unregistered parcels should be presented in the counter. Any parcel found in LB should be treated as registered parcel.


Maximum weight : 20 KG. , for unregistered parcel : 4 KG. For delivery by BO or from BO : 10 KG.




upto 500 grams : Rs. 19


additional 500 grams or part : Rs. 16


Home delivery charges : Rs. 5 (for weight more than 5 kgs)


Air surcharge


for first 50 grams or part thereof Rs. 2, for every additional 50 grams or part thereof Rs. 1


Except post card, all other type of mails can be registered. Registration fee Rs. Rs. 17, fee for acknowledgement Rs. 3


Value payable articles


Letters, book packets, book packets containing printed book, periodicals, RNP and parcels can be sent as VP.


Maximum amount for which VP can be booked is Rs. 5000.


In addition to due postage, the following fee will be collected. Registration fee (compulsory) Rs. 17

For book packet containing printed books, if the cost of the book is upto Rs. 50 Rs. 2.50


VP fee. If VP value is upto Rs. 20-Rs. 2, VP value Rs. 21 to Rs. 50-Rs. 3, VP value above Rs. 50-Rs. 5 Insured fee, if the article is insured.



For currency upto Rs. 20000


For articles of gold, silver, platinum, precious stones Rs. 1 lakh


For BOs, it must be upto Rs. 600


fee. In addition to postage, the following fee are payable.



Registration (compulsory ) Rs. 17


Insurance fee: upto Rs. 200-Rs. 10, for every additional Rs. 100 or part thereof: Rs. 6


Acknowledgement is compulsory but no charge for this.


Insurance covers all risks in the course of transmission by post.


30. Taxation (unpaid/insufficiently paid/breach of conditions)


Minimum amount to be collected is Rs. 1


For unpaid/insufficiently paid service articles, single deficiency will be collected.


If the article is refused, the amount will be collected from the sender.


Postage already paid will be considered.


Sl no

Type of article

Unpaid/insufficiently paid

Breach of conditions.



Double the deficiency

Over size-treated as second class article Over weight-returned to sender/RLO.



Double the deficiency

Treated as letter, double deficiency


Post card

Double the deficiency

Treated as letter, single deficiency


Book packet

Double the deficiency

Oversize& weight-sender/RLO

Others:       treated       as          letter or      parcel whichever is less. Single deficiency.


Book   packet- printed books

Double the deficiency

Oversize& weight-sender/RLO

Others:       treated       as          letter or      parcel

whichever is less. Single deficiency.


Book   packets- periodicals

Double the deficiency

Oversize& weight-sender/RLO

Others:       treated       as          letter or      parcel whichever is less. Single deficiency.


Pattern        and

sample packets

Double the deficiency

Treated as letter or parcel whichever is

less, single deficiency


Blind  literature packets


If admissible, as a book packet. Otherwise, treated as letter or parcel whichever is less, single deficiency.




Double the deficiency

Treated as book packet or periodical as the

case may be and single deficiency.



Double the deficiency

If contains prohibited items-should not be transmitted further.

If found in letter box-should be registered whether marked or not. Double deficiency (postage and registration fee).

Contains more than 1 communication- each communication treated as unpaid letter and double deficiency. Postage  paid

already will not be taken into account. If





returned to sender, no amount will be recovered.



31. Prohibited articles


·         Anything injurious


·         Explosive, dangerous, filthy, noxious or deleterious substance


·         Any sharp instrument not protected.


·         Any living creature which is either noxious or likely to injure postal articles or postal officials in course of transmission by post.


·         Tickets, proposals etc relating to unauthorized lotteries (lorganised or authorized by government is permitted)


·         Anything indecent or obscene printing or painting. .


·         Anything containing prejudicial words.


·         Anything in contravention of any enactment in force.


·         News papers violating the rules laid down in Press and Registration of Books Act 1867.


32. Treatment of prohibited articles.


·         Injurious articles-If there is suspect, the article detained and Head of circle informed.


·         Articles with pins-if found in office of posting, returned to sender. If at a subsequent office, after removal of pins, sent to RLO.


·         Prohibited or dutiable articles-returned to sender. If suspected to contain those articles, should be marked “doubtful” and forwarded to destination. The article will be opened at the office in the presense of the addressee.


·         containing indecent or anything prejudicial words-not transmitted.


33. Cases in which registration is compulsory.


·         Parcel exceeding 4 kgs.


·         insured articles


·         Parcels addressed to a place for which a custom declaration is required.


·         articles containing documents of intrinsic values. ( stamps, cheques etc.)

·         article bearing the word “registered” or like.


·         VP articles.


·         Twice the registration fee if not prepaid, or twice the deficiency will be collected.


34. Registration


·         Registration makes the transmission of an article more secure.


·         Fee for attested copy of addressee’s receipt is Rs. 3.


·         Any institution posting atleast 10 registered articles per day, a special journal may be given to them for booking registered articles. No extra charges for special journal.


·         In case of registered articles, the addressee/agent refuses to sign the acknowledgement, a suitable remark will be made in the acknowledgement.


35. compensation for registered articles.


·         In case of loss or loss or contents or damage of registered, a maximum compensation of Rs. 100 can be paid. This will be paid by divisional head of office of booking or delivery.


·         Registration and postage should have been fully prepaid.


·         Claim should be made within 3 months for loss. For loss of contents/damage- within 1 month.


·         For VP articles-1 year. For articles sent or addressed to armed forces-6 months


·         Compensation should not be greater than the contents/loss/damage.


·         D.G.s decision is final in case of dispute.


·         The postage and registration fee will not be refunded.


36. No compensation will be paid in the following cases.


·         If it is due to the negligence of the sender or the contents are un-allowed articles.


·         lilquids, perishable or fragile articles.


·         Articles for which insurance is compulsory.


37. Compensation for insured articles.


·         Compensation will be for insured value.


·         No compensation in the following cases.


·         Mis-delivery due to incorrect/incomplete address.


·         Fraud on the part of sender/addressee.


·         If the article is duly delivered and the addressee signed the receipt.


·         If complaint is received after 3 months from date of posting.


·         loss due to improper/insecure packing.


·         There is no visible damage in the article.


·         not insured for the actual value of the contents.


·         The damage is due to the nature of contents.


·         Prohibited articles.


·         in the case of loss of halves of currency notes.


38. Demurrage charges for VP articles


·         VP articles will be detained for 7 days after intimation is served.


·         If the article is to be kept after 7 days demurrage charges is to be paid.


·         A request should be given by the address. Fee Rs.3 per day for parcels and Rs. 2 for letter per day.


39. Official Postal Articles


·         Postage is the same as for the ordinary postal articles.


·         The government officials authorized to post articles with service stamps. They are I.G.S.articles.


·         Posted by other officials using service stamps is called On Service.


·         The signature and full designation is necessary on the articles. The Superintendent or any other official authorized can sign.


·         Unpaid and insufficiently paid articles will be taxed with single deficiency.


·         For parcels, full prepayment of postage is compulsory.


·         Instead of service stamps, ordinary postage stamps are affixed, the article can be accepted. The matter should be brought to the notice of the officer in charge of the post office. If it frequently occurs, the matter should be reported to head of the circle.


·         Service stamps will not be accepted in payment of postage due on such articles. The postage due marked should be initialed by the postmaster.


40. Camp articles


·         Articles addressed to the President, Vice President, Ministers of Central Government and some high officers of Government will be delivered at their camping station.


·         Fully prepaid, uninsured articles, registered articles only will be delivered.


·         These articles should be addressed “camp” without the post town.


·         The registered articles will be placed in the bag with registered list.


·         If the article is addressed to the post town, will be sent to that post town only.


·         Articles addressed “camp” or a particular post town can not be redirected.


·         Articles not addressed to post town or camp will be sent to the headquarters for delivery.


·         Parcels, money orders, insured articles, value payable articles and articles on which amount is due should be addressed to a post town. They can be addressed camp with the name of the post town. Otherwise, they will be sent to the headquarters.


·         special bags will be delivered on all days including Sundays and holidays.


·         Camp bag booked as parcel will be sent by surface route and will be charged with postage payable on parcel weighing 10 KG, plus registration fee, and Rs. 16 as incidental charges on all parcels.


·         Camp bag booked as air parcel will be charged with postage at air parcel rate depending upon the weight, registration charges and Rs. 6 as incidental charges.


·         Camp bag booked as letter mail will not be charged with any additional postage other than registration fee.


41. Money orders


·         The maximum amount of single money order is Rs. 5000.


·         MO commission is Rs. 1 for every Rs. 20 or part thereof.


·         Alteration in address or place of payment can be permitted without any extra charge.


·         Name of the payee cann be altered on payment of second commission.


·         The sender can request to stop payment of the MO.


·         The sender of the money is called remitter and the receiver is called the payee.


·         If any MO which can not be paid to payee are remitter is called void MO.


·         Remitter or payee can subsequently apply for the payment within 1 year from the date of booking. For MOs from FPO and Family Allotment MO remitted on behalf of seamers working in Indian merchant ships, the time limit is 2 years.


42. Philately


·         It is a hobby of collecting stamps.


·         The stamp collectors can get stamps, first day covers, information sheets etc.


·         Philatelic bureau is available in all state capitals and bigger cities.


·         Domestic philatelic deposit account can be opened by the stamp collectors. The minimum deposit is Rs. 200. This can be p aid by MO/DD/Cheque/cash. Foreign philatelic deposit account is available for foreign collectors at philatelic bureau, Mumbai. Minimum deposit Rs. 1000.


·         They can make a request for dispatch of philatelic items to be dispatched on each issue.


·         They can request the quantities of philatelic items to be dispatched to their friends or relatives in India.


·         The requested quantity will be dispatched once in a month, during first week. This will be sent by registered post on postal service. All issues of the previous month will be sent. A handling charge of Rs. 2% subject to minimum Rs. 5 per dispatch will be debited to the account. If the collector desires, the same can be sent through insured post and inn this case, the insurance charges will be debited to the account.


·         If the stamp collector desires the dispatch to be done immediately on each issue, the same will be sent through registered post, the postage will be debited to his account.


·         With each dispatch, a statement showing the balance amount will be sent. The stamp collector is to replenish the balance.


·         If the balance available is less than the value of a single order plus handling charges, the account become inoperative.


·         If the account is inoperative for 3 months, the account will be closed and the amount will be sent by MO after deducting the commission.


43. Indian Postal Orders


·         It is a simple way of remitting small sum of money by post.


·         The IPOs are available in 8 denominations. Rs. 1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 20, 50 and 100.


·         Commission for IPOs. For Denomination 1 to 10- Rs. 1, For Dn 20-Rs. 2, Dn 50-Rs. 5, Dn 100-Rs. 10

·         For broken amounts, a maximum of 4 postage stamps for a total value not exceeding Rs. 3 can be affixed on the IPO. The stamps should be affixed in the space provided for this purpose.


·         The above is not applicable for IPO of den. 100.


·         The name of the payee and the office of payment are to written on the IPO.


·         The postal order Is valid for 24 months from the last date of the month of issue.


·         After 24 months but before 36 months, the IPOs can be encashed on payment of second commission equal to the first commission. The second commission will be paid by postage stamp tobe affixed on the backside of the IPO.


·         After 36 months IPO will not be paid.


·         Crossed IPO can be paid only through POSB account.


·         It can be encashed in any PO.


·         e-ipo facility is available for RTI act.

(i)            eIPOs can be purchased in the denominations of Rs. 10/-, Rs. 20/-, Rs. 50/- & Rs. 100/- for all purposes like fee submission for seeking information under RTI Act, 2005, fee payment to educational institutions, fee submitted Court,  online registration for Cable Operators etc.


The following denomination of IPOs is available at FPO only for defense personnel.

















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