Leave Rules
Came into force on 01.06.72
1. Leave
cannot be claimed as a matter of right
2. Conversion
of one kind of leave into another kind is permissible to be done within 30
3. Leave
will not be granted beyond retirement/ date of resignation/final cessation of
4. claim
on leave ceases in case of Removal, Dismissal or Resignation
5. No leave of any kind can be granted for a continuous period exceeding 5 years
Kinds of Leaves
1. Casual
2. Special
Casual Leave
3. Earned
4. Half
Pay Leave
5. Commuted
6. Maternity
7. Paternity
8. Child
Care Leave
9. Child
Adoption Leave
10. WRIL
11. Extraordinary
12. Study
13. Leave
Not Due
14. Special
Leave Connected to Inquiry of Sexual Harassment
1. Casual Leave
1. 8
CL and 2 RH in a Calendar Year
2. CL
Can be taken for half day also
3. CL
can be combined with SPLCL but not with any other kind of leave/Joining time
4. CL
can be availed while on tour, LTC can be availed during CL
5. Essentially
for short periods. Not granted for more than 5 days at a time
6. Sunday
& Holidays falling during the period of casual leave are not counted as
part of Casual Leave
7. for
employees with disabilities Additional 4 days as Special Casual Leave for
Specific requirements relating to the disability of the official
2. Special Casual Leave
1. Participating
in sporting events of National/International Importance
2. Undergoing
Vasectomy/Tubectomy operations
3. Participating
in recognized service Union/association activities to the office bearers
4. Natural
5. Election
to exercise franchise having names in another constituency
6. One
day for blood donation in recognized blood bank
7. participating
in mountaineering expeditions
8. participating
in trekking expeditions
Cultural Activities
3. Earned Leave
1. Credit
of EL will be afforded in advance at uniform rate of 15 days
2. Credit
will be offered on 1st January and 1st July
3. Can
be availed with or without MC
4. Proportionate
credit in case of appointment in the middle of the half year at 2.5 days for
each calendar month
5. Un
availed joining time(Maximum 15 Days) will be credited to EL Account
6. Encashment
can be allowed for 300 days at the time of retirement
7. 10
days of EL can be encashed for LTC(maximum 6 times)
8. Maximum
period of EL Can be availed is 180 days
9. if
employee is on Leave Preparatory can avail more than 180 days at time
10. Outside
India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Srilanka, Nepal & Pakistan can be
extended is 300 days
11. If
a Government servant has availed of extraordinary leave and/or some period of
absence has been treated as dies non in a half-year, the credit to be afforded
to his leave account at the commencement of the next half-year shall be reduced
by 1/10th of the period of such leave and/or dies non subject to maximum of 15
4. Half Pay Leave
1. Credit
of HPL will be afforded in advance at uniform rate of 10 days
2. proportionate
Credit in case of appointment in the middle of the half year 5/3 for each
completed calendar month
3. Credit
will be offered on 1st January and 1st July
4. Where
a period of absence or suspension of a Government servant has been treated as
dies non in a half-year, the credit to be afforded to his half pay leave
account at the commencement of next half-year, shall be reduced by
one[1]eighteenth of the period of dies not subject to a maximum of ten days.
5. Can
be availed up to 180 days at one stretch
6. No
HPL in case of Compulsory retirement for calculation of leave encashment
7. can
be accumulated without any limit
8. can
be availed with or without MC
5. Commuted Leave
1. Not
exceeding half the number of HPL due can be taken
2. Can
be availed on production of MC
3. Maximum
of 90 days(180 HPL) can be availed without production of MC for approved course
of study certified to be in the public interest
4. Can
be granted at the request of the GS even EL is due
5. MC
is not required in continuation of ML for 60 days
6. Up
to 60 days w/o MC for female employees o adoption, if she adopts less than 1
year old baby
6. Leave Not Due
1. Maximum
360 days in the entire service on Medical certificate
2. Shall
be limited to the HPL likely to earn thereafter
3. MC
is not required for LND in continuation of ML
4. LND
can be given w/o MC for Child care leave in the third year
7. Extraordinary Leave
1. When
no other leave is admissible
2. When
other leave is admissible, but the Government servant applies in writing for
the grant of extraordinary leave
3. Unless
president determines No GS shall be granted extraordinary leave on any one
occasion in excess of the following limits
· Three
· Six
Months- A GS has completed one year Continuous service
· Eighteen
Months- GS Undergoing treatment with Leprosy/Cancer/TB etc
· Twenty
four Months- Studies in public interest
4. EOL
on medical Ground will qualify for increment
8. Maternity Leave
1. A
female Government servant (including an apprentice) with less than two
surviving children may be granted maternity leave
2. Period
of 180 days from date of its commencement
3. Maternity
leave not exceeding 45 days may also be granted to a female Government servant
(irrespective of the number of surviving children) during the entire service of
that female Government in case of miscarriage including abortion on production
of medical certificate
4. Maternity
leave may be combined with leave of any other kind upto 2 years
5. Upto
60 days w/o MC for female employees on adoption
9. Paternity Leave
1. Male
GS with less than two survving children are eligible
2. period
of 15 days, during the confinement of his wife for childbirth, i.e., up to 15
days before, or up to six months from the date of delivery of the child.
10. Child Care Leave
1. Maximum
730 days during their entire service
2. It
shall not be granted for more than three spell in calendar year
3. Age
of the child should be below 18 years, no age limit for child with minimum 40%
of disability/mentally challenged.
4. In
case of single mothers, can be granted in six spells in a calendar year
5. CCL
may not be granted for a period less than 5 days at a time
6. Full
salary for first 365 days & 80% of salary for next 365 days
11. Child Adoption Leave
1. Child
age should be below one year
2. For
a period of 180 days immediately from the date of adoption
12. Special Leave Connected to Inquiry of Sexual
1. Leave
up to 90 days to aggrieved female GS
13. Work related illness and injury Leave (WRILL)
1. Full
pay and allowance for six month immediately following hospitalization
2. Half
pay for 12 Months beyond the said 6 months
14. Special disability leave for injury intentionally
1. 24
2. Leave
salary during such leave shall:-
for the first 120 days of any period of such leave, including a period of such
leave granted under sub-rule (5), be equal for leave salary while on earned
for the remaining period of any such leave, be equal to leave salary during
half pay leave
15. Hospital Leave
1. 28
16. Study Leave
1. Ordinarily
twelve months at any one time, and during his entire service, twenty-four
months in all (inclusive of similar kind of leave for study or training granted
under any other rules).