The following instructions may please be circulated in order to ensure smooth execution of End of Year (EOY) activities for 2020-21 in CBS Post Offices: -
CBS Post Offices should ensure that all accounts are verified. Also, pending verification of modified accounts in respect of SB/PPF/SSA/NSS-87/NSS-92 if any, must be verified, as interest is not calculated for such accounts if any modification remains unverified, as on 31/03/2021. Concerned staff should be alerted so that such lapses may be avoided.
All CBS Post Offices, on 31.3.2021, can made transactions latest up to 1700 hours and verify all the transactions simultaneously so that there may be NO Blocking Transactions at 1700 hours. All CBS Post Offices should complete HISCOD latest by 1800 hours. DO/RO should monitor this activity and any blocking validation should be reported to CBS CPC immediately on noticing so that solution may be provided well in time.
All the concerned teams who are part of the EOD activity (DO/RO SPOCs) should be available to ensure that EOD activities are completed smoothly.
SOLs should not accept cheques for clearing after 24th of March 2021. Delay in cheque clearing would result in customer complaints. If any cheques are presented, customer must be informed about the consequences of clearing after completion of FY (in case of PPF/SSA/NSC accounts).
Please intimate all the concerned to adhere to the instructions strictly.
Regions/Divisions should ensure that these instructions are followed scrupulously by all CBS Post Offices.
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