Compilation of GDS Rulings | Combined Rulings of GDS (Grameen Dak Sevak) | By PTC Mysuru - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Compilation of GDS Rulings | Combined Rulings of GDS (Grameen Dak Sevak) | By PTC Mysuru

Table of Contents
    1. Wages and Allowances to GDS 25.06.2018 2
    2. Children Education Facilitation Allowance 18.09.2019 17
    3. Circle Welfare Fund 17.09.2013 26
    4. Circle Welfare Fund for GDS 01.12.2013 40
    5. Compassionate Engagement (Revised Scheme) 30.05.2017 62
    6. Compassionate Engagement of Dependents 18.12.2019 72
    7. Compensation to cover Death due to Covid-19  17.04.2020 73
    8. Compensation to Cover Death due to Covid-19 (Designated Officer) 21.05.2020  85
    9. Composite Allowance to GDS BPM 28.09.2018 87
    10. Emergency Leave 02.01.2019 90
    11. Emergency Leave Addendum 01.02.2019 93
    12. Forfeiting candidature on Choice of GDS Post 95
    13. Freezing of DA Order 29.04.2020 97
    14. GDS Group Insurance Scheme 2010 28.04.2010 100
    15. Grant of Cycle Maintenance Allowance 05.12.2019 109
    16. ID Card to GDS 17.10.2018 110
    17. ID Card to GDS 30.10.2018 113
    18. Leave Without Allowance 116
    19. Limited Transfer Facility 04.01.2019 118
    20. Limited Transfer Facility 07.05.2019 125
    21. Limited Transfer Facility 21.10.2019 127
    22. Limited Transfer Facility 22.01.2020 131
    23. Maternity Leave 17.05.2019 139
    24. Maternity Leave 27.06.2018 141
    25. MTS  Recruitment Rules-2018  16.08.2018 143
    26. Payment TRCA on Sundays and Holidays for Officiating Work 23.10.2019 155
    27. PM and Mail Guard Amended RR 2020 158
    28. Rationalization of Categories of GDS 22.07.2019 162
    29. Recognition of Association Rules-1995 164
    30. Revision of TRCA and Allowances 25.06.18 170
    31. RR PA and SA 05.06.2015 185
    32. RRs_Postman_MG_2018 194
    33. SDBS Notification 01.04.2011 210
    34. Social Security Benefit 27.06.2018 237
    35. Social Security Benefits 01.07.2019 239
    36. Voluntary Discharge Scheme 14.12.2018 242
    37. GDS Conduct and Engagement Rules 2020  14.02.2020 248

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