MCQs On PMJJBY (Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bhima Yojana) - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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MCQs On PMJJBY (Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bhima Yojana)

1)    PMJJBY is a type of ____ ?
A) AD&D Scheme
B) Life Insurance Scheme
C) Pension Scheme
D) Loan Scheme

2)    When was PMJJBY Launched ?

A) 9th May 2015

B) 31st May 2015

C) 31st June 2014

D) None of the Above

3)    Where was PMJJBY Launched?

A) Bangalore

B) Kolkata

C) New Delhi

D) Bhuvaneshwar


4)    What is the minimum and maximum age at which people can enroll in PMJJBY?
A) 10-70
B) 18-70
C) 10-50
D) 18-50

5)    What is the premium per annum that is to be paid under PMJJBY?
A) Rs 12/-
B) Rs 100/-
C) Rs 300/-
D) Rs 330/-

6)    What is the Termination period of PMJJBY?
A) When a person attains 70 years of age
B) When a person attains 80 years of age
C) When a person attains 50 years of age
D) None of these

7)    What is the death benefit under PMJJBY?
A) Rs 50,000
B) Rs 1,00,000
C) Rs 2,00,000
D) RS 4,00,000

8)    What is the benefit under PMJJBY for loss/disability for both the organs (either both hands/legs or eye)?
A) Rs 50,000
B) Rs 1,00,000
C) Rs 2,00,000
D) No such benefit

9)    What maturity amount will a person get in PMJJBY after the policy terminates when he has attained 55 years?
A) Rs 2,00,000
B) Rs 1,00,000
C) Rs 4,00,000
D) A person will not get any such benefit

10) A person having which type of account can opt for PMJJBY?
A) Saving Account
B) Current Account
C) Fixed Deposit Account
D) Any one of these

11)  Under which of the following condition(s) the PMJJBY policy may terminate?
A) On attaining age 55 years
B) Closure of account with the Bank
C) Insufficiency of balance in Account
D) All of the above

12) The coverage period of PMJJBY in a year is ____ ?
A) 1 July to 30 June
B) 1 June to 31 May
C) 1 January to 31 December
D) 1 April to 31 March

13) What Is the Insurance Premium to LIC per annum per member be appropriated?

A) Rs 330 pa            B) Rs 300 pa           

C) Rs 289 pa          D) None of the above.

14) What Is the Reimbursement of Expenses to BC/Micro/Corporate/Agent per annum per member be appropriated?

A) Rs 330 pa            B) Rs 289 pa        

C) Rs 30 pa  D) Rs 300 pa

15) What Is the Reimbursement of Administrative Expenses to Dept. of Post per annum per member be appropriated?

A) Rs 330 pa            B) Rs 289 pa        

C) Rs 30 pa    D) Rs 11 pa

16) Are NRIs eligible for coverage under PMJJBY?

Any NRI having an eligible bank account with a bank branch located in India     is eligible for purchase of PMJJBY cover subject to fulfilment of the terms     and conditions relating to the scheme. However, in case a claim arises, the     claim benefit will be paid to the beneficiary/ nominee only in Indian             currency.

17) Does the PMJJBY cover death resulting from natural calamities such as earthquake, flood and other convulsions of nature? What about coverage from suicide / murder?

    All these events are covered as PMJJBY covers death due to any reason.

18) Department of Posts providing service of PMJJBY of which insurance company?

A) Life Insurance Corporation of India

B) National Insurance Company

C) Oriental Insurance Company

D) None of the Above


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