Pattern & Syllabus of LDCEIP | Inspector of posts exam Syllabus | IP Paper III | IPO Exam Syllabus | Paper 3 | 2021
1. Postal
Manual Volume II:
III - Appeals and Petitions
IV - Personal matters
Chapter VII - Forged Counterfeit
stamps, defaced postage stamps, coins and currency notes
2. Postal Manual Volume III
3. Postal Manual Volume VIII
4. CCS (Conduct Rules), 1964
5. CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965
6. CCS (Temporary Service) Rules, 1965
7. GDS (Conduct and Engagement) Rules, 2011
8. Brochure on Casual Labourers and instructions on
Casual labourer issued by DoP&T from time to time
9. Constitution of India
10 Code of
Civil Procedure 1908
a) Section 1 - Short title, extent, commencement
b) Section 2 – Definitions
11) The Code
of Criminal Procedure, 1973:
a) Section 1 - Short Title, extent and commencement
b) Section 2 - Definitions
c) Section 82: Proclamation of person absconding
d) Section 83: Attachment of property of person
e) Section 84: Claims and objections to attachments
f) Section 85: Release, sale and restoration of
attached property
12) The
Indian Evidence Act, 1872:
a) Section 1 - Short title, extent and commencement
b) Section 5: Evidence may be given of facts in
issue and relevant facts
c) Section 6: Relevancy of facts forming part of
same transaction
d) Section 7: Facts which are the occasion, cause
or effect of facts in issue
e) Section 8: Motive, preparation and previous or
subsequent conduct
f) Chapter III (Sections 56 to 58): Facts which
need not be proved
g) Chapter IV (Sections 59 to 60): Of oral evidence
h) Chapter V (Sections 61 to 73A): of documentary
13) The
Indian Penal Code, 1860:
a) Chapter II: General Explanation
b) Chapter III: Of Punishments
c) Chapter IX: Of Offences by or relating to Public
d) Chapter X: Of Contempts of the Lawful Authority
of Public Servant
e) Chapter XIX: Of the Criminal Breach of Contracts
of Service
14) Instructions issued by Directorate and
DoP&T on maintenance of APAR
15) Central Administrative Tribunal Act, 1985
16) Revenue Recovery Act, 1890
17) Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
(Prevention, Prohibition and
Redressal) Act, 2013
18) Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988
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