Pattern & Syllabus of LDCEIP | Inspector of posts exam Syllabus | IP Paper II | IPO Exam Syllabus | Paper-2 | 2022 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Pattern & Syllabus of LDCEIP | Inspector of posts exam Syllabus | IP Paper II | IPO Exam Syllabus | Paper-2 | 2022

1. Chapter 2 and 6 of General Financial Rules, 2017

2. CVC guidelines on Public procurement, guidelines and instructions on e-Procurement in Government of India

3. Manual on policies and procedures for purchase of goods and services available on website of Ministry of Finance

4. Schedule of Financial Powers of Divisional Heads, Heads of circle, etc

5. Welfare measures available to Departmental Employees and Gramin Dak Sevak of DoP

6. RTI Act, 2005 and RTI Rules, 20l2

7. Fundamental Rules (FR) and Supplementary Rules (SR)

8. P&T FHB Volume I and Postal FHB Volume II

9. Rules relating Children Education allowance and reimbursement of    Tuition fees

10. CGEGIS Rules, 1980

11. CCS (GPF) Rules, 1961

12. Central Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944 and CGHS Guidelines issued by Directorate

13. New Pension Scheme, 2004 and its amendments

14. CCS Pension Rules, 1972 and its amendments

15. CCS Commutation of Pension Rules, 1981

16. Postal Manual Volume II, Except;

Chapter III - Appeals and Petitions,

Chapter IV - Personal matters,

Chapter V - Security Deposits Chapter

VII - Forged Counterfeit stamps, defaced postage stamps, coins and currency notes

17. Postal Manual Volume IV - Leave, Pension, Gratuities, Dealings on Examination. Recruitment rules of all Cadres and Establishment norms

18. Service Discharge Benefit Scheme, 2010

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