Pattern & Syllabus of LDCEIP | Inspector of posts exam Pattern | IP Pattern Of Examination-IPO Exam Syllabus-2021
For the post of
Inspector Posts
Pattern of
shall consist of 4 papers viz. Paper I, II, III & IV and each paper shall Carry
300 marks.
of questions:
150 questions of MCQ type in Paper, I, II & III
125 questions of MCQ type in Paper IV and Noting & Drafting
for 50 marks
of Examination shall be 3 hours for each paper.
Marks in each paper shall be 40% subject to an overall average of 45% for
General Category and 33% marks in each paper
subject to an overall average of 38% for SC/ST.
all cases circulars, orders and guidelines issued up to 31st
December of the year preceding the year of examination will be part of the
syllabus except Annual Report and Book of information for which latest report
and information available/published in DoP website will be taken.
shall be without aid of books.
Ø Examination shall be without aid of books.
Ø While forwarding the application of an official to appear in examination, the competent authority shall base its recommendation on following:
i. APARs of the preceding five years shall be considered irrespective of the qualifying service prescribed in Recruitment Rules. The 'preceding five years ‘ for the aforesaid purpose shall be decided as per the guidelines contained in Dop&T O.M. No. 22011/9/98-Estr.(D) dated 08.09.1998 read with O.M. No. 22011l9/98-Estt.(D) dated 16.06.2000. (If more than one APAR have been written for a Particular year, all the APARs for the relevant years shall be considered together as the APAR for one year).
ii. APARs of the 'preceding five years ' shall have at least four APAR having numerical grading equivalent to ‘Good’ or above;
iii. Where one or more APARs have not been written for any reason during the relevant period, the competent authority should consider the CRs of the years preceding the period on question and if in any case even these are not available, the competent authority should take the APARs of the lower grade into account to complete the number of APARs required to be considered as per (a) above. If this is also not possible, all the available APARs should be taken into account.
iv. Where an official is officiating in the next higher grade and has earned APARs in that grade, his APARs in that grade maybe considered by the competent authority in order to assess his work; conduct and performance, but no extra weight age may be given merely on the ground that he has been officiating in the higher grade.
Ø Note: For the above purpose, 'competent authority’
shall be the Division/Unit Head or Regional Director postal Services/DPS(HQ),
as the case may be, where the official is working.
Syllabus Copy
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